Pagnottiello STROMBOLI roll stuffed pizza bread

Ready in

3h 15 min


1h 15 min


30 min


8 pieces






Neapolitan Pagnuttiello panini

Pagnottiello STROMBOLI roll stuffed pizza bread

The Pagnottiello STROMBOLI roll stuffed pizza bread, as the word itself lets us imagine, is a small and appetizing panini, great for a quick snack, but also ideal for trips and buffets. Its origins are from Campania in Italy, Pagnottiello STROMBOLI roll has origins that sink into the mists of time. Some Neapolitan bakers, in order not to throw a piece of dough left over from the freshly prepared loaves of bread, added the cicoli (or frittole in the Cilento dialect) to prevent it from burning during cooking.

The cicoli are the residues of the pork fat melted to make the lard which, seasoned with salt, pepper and fennel seeds, give flavor and taste to the mixture in which they are incorporated. Pagnottiello STROMBOLI roll a stuffed pizza bread varies with socio-economic conditions and over time is enriched with other ingredients such as meats and cheeses. This is how it turns into the well-known Neapolitan Panini of which Nonna Claudia reveals the secrets. During the Easter period, with the addition of hard-boiled eggs, the Pagnottiello STROMBOLI roll becomes a real symbolic bread in memory of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ.


  • 500g 00 flour
  • 80g lard
  • 200ml water
  • 1 whole egg
  • 12g brewer’s yeast
  • 10g sugar
  • 10g salt
  • 150g grated mixed cheese (pecorino and parmesan)
  • 150g cicoli
  • 4 whole eggs
  • j.e. black pepper
To Brush
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 spoons of milk
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First we make the dough of the pastry, which must rise for at least 1 hour or until it has become double. Let’s start by putting 200 ml of warm water (15 degrees °C) in the mixer. By hand, put the flour in a large bowl or on a pastry board and make the classic fountain*

impasto rustici acqua

impasto rustici lievito

Put the yeast and sugar in the water and turn on the planetary mixer with the hook and let the yeast dissolve well, or. By hand, in a bowl, dissolve the yeast with the sugar with the 200 ml of warm water at 15 degrees (°C)

Now with the planetary mixer off, insert the flour and start kneading by turning on the planetary mixer at a moderate speed by incorporating the water, or by hand, put the lard and egg in the well, while we sprinkle the salt all over the flour

impasto rustici farina

impasto rustici strutto

We proceed by inserting the lard at room temperature, the egg and finally the salt. Let the dough become compact By hand, we begin to knead, always starting from the inside of the fountain and gradually add the water with the yeast

We make a sprinkle of flour on the pastry board and put the dough on it, now we knead vigorously for 10 minutes or until we have obtained a nice smooth and compact dough

impasto rustici cilento

impasto rustico forno

Roll the dough into a ball and wrap it in a cloth, put it to rise in the off oven or under a blanket. The important thing is that it stays warm, away from drafts or direct heat sources

While the dough is rising, cut the hard-boiled eggs into small pieces

rustici taglio uovo

pasta stesa rustici cilento

When the dough has risen, roll it out with a rolling pin and make a rectangular sheet with a thickness of half a centimeter

Sprinkle all the pastry with pepper, grated cheese, hard-boiled eggs and cicoli*

uova cigoli Pagnottielli

arrotolare pagnottielli

We roll the dough on itself from the longest side and squeeze the dough well in our hands, so that it becomes one

With a sheet of parchment paper, cover the baking sheet* or a rectangular pizza pan, cut the roll of dough into 8 equal pieces and place them on the pan spaced apart.

taglio pagnottiello napoli

spennallata uovo paninonapoletano

Break the egg yolk with two tablespoons of milk, mix well and brush our loaves with a brush

Let it rise for 2 hours, always in the off oven or under a blanket, making sure that it does not touch the loaves otherwise it sticks to the egg

pagnottiello teglia

pagnuttielli cottura forno

After the leavening time has elapsed, we turn on the oven at 200°C (400°F). When it has reached temperature we bake our loaves and cook them for 30 minutes or until they are golden brown

Let’s take them out of the oven, let them evaporate on a wire rack then wrap them in a tablecloth and always keep them covered until ready to serve

pagnuttielli cotti


  1. Rising times may vary depending on the temperature, in winter, for example, it will be good to let the dough rise longer than the expected time.
  2. Pork Cicoli can be bought in butchers but they are not always available if you want to make them at home, go and see the recipe on my website.
  3. When you roll out the dough, always flour it from one turn to the next, otherwise it sticks to the pastry board.
  4. Beware of water that is not too hot when you dissolve the yeast, there is the risk that it will not rise.


  1. The Pagnottiello sandwich can be kept for two or three days at room temperature, in a bread bag or wrapped in a cloth.


  1. *Cicoli, are the remains of melted pork fat, when lard is made, they are not always found on the market, if you want to make them at home you can see the recipe by clicking here.
  2. *Baking sheet, is the oven tray.
  3. *the fountain is the hole made in the flour so as not to let the liquid ingredients come out.


  1. Carving knife
  2. Chopping board
  3. 2 medium bowls for cured meats
  4. Small bowl for egg
  5. Pastry board
  6. Oven
  7. Tray or baking sheet*
  8. Kitchen brush
  9. Rolling Pin
  10. Canvas
  11. Parchment paper

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