White creamy boscaiola pasta
White creamy boscaiola pasta is a quick and easy recipe to make, a delicious dish very creamy and rich in mushrooms, sausage and parmesan
White creamy boscaiola pasta is a quick and easy recipe to make, a delicious dish very creamy and rich in mushrooms, sausage and parmesan
An easy dish is the ragout with wild boar sausage because it is the seasoning that hunters prefer for recipes of fresh homemade Cilento pasta
The cortecce with ragù of Cilento is a homemade pasta that tells of an ancient Mediterranean tradition made unique gestures, aromas & flavors
Pagnottiello a stuffed bread typical of Naples sandwich, tasty and convenient food excellent for buffets, snacks and Italian-style picnics
The Neapolitan Tortano is the brother of the casatiello, both are stuffed Easter bread with pork cicoli, salami, cheeses, pepper and eggs
The stuffed meatloaf in the oven is an excellent recipe as a dinner saver or to enrich buffets. A dish rich in meat, eggs, ham and cheese.
Gnocchi with ragout: more than a dish a way of being a dish that tells the culinary identity of the ancient Cilento and the Mediterranean diet