Pizza Chiena Easter pasta pie
The Pizza Chiena of Cilento is a very tasty savory pie stuffed with pasta, eggs, salami and cheeses usually eaten in Italy around Easter time
The Pizza Chiena of Cilento is a very tasty savory pie stuffed with pasta, eggs, salami and cheeses usually eaten in Italy around Easter time
The torta pasqualina of Cilento is a very tasty savory pie stuffed with eggs, artichokes and cheeses, usually eaten in Italy around Easter time
The Neapolitan Tortano is the brother of the casatiello, both are stuffed Easter bread with pork cicoli, salami, cheeses, pepper and eggs
The stuffed meatloaf in the oven is an excellent recipe as a dinner saver or to enrich buffets. A dish rich in meat, eggs, ham and cheese.
Wild asparagus frittata is the first recipe that they prepare in the kitchen as soon as it start coming out in Cilento, a very good omelette
Neapolitan Casatiello a circular stuffed bread with salami, cheese, eggs and more it is typical Italian Easter savory pie of Naples & Cilento