Homemade Fish Sticks
Homemade fish sticks or fried cod is an excellent recipe but above all a good way to make children eat fish a dish also appreciated by adults
Homemade fish sticks or fried cod is an excellent recipe but above all a good way to make children eat fish a dish also appreciated by adults
Cutlet of anchovies is a Cilento’s recipe suitable for appetizers, main courses and children who eat them willingly, a mediterranean diet dish
Alici mbuttunate a typical recipe of Cilento are anchovies stuffed with cheese and eggs a simple and rich dish of the Mediterranean Diet italy
Carnival roses are italian fried desserts with custard, elegant and colorful pastries also ideal for buffets, parties and convivial lunches
The chiacchiere is an Italian fried pastry of the Cilento’s Carnival, crumbly and crunchy excellent to eat alone but can be combine by creams
Cilento potato croquettes or Carnival Polpette it is the main food of this anniversary in addition to potatoes it has salami, eggs and cheese
Cilento struffoli are small cylinders of fried dough mixed in cooked honey, a crumbly, crunchy and typical Christmas dessert in Italy
The basic dough for fried desserts is an unleavened dough suitable for the preparation of many Neapolitan, Italian and Cilento delicacies
The Cilento cannoli with custard and chocolate cream are a fried dessert typical of Cilento in Italy, good and fascinating thanks to its two-tone creams