Chocolate Rice Pie – Italian Easter Cake

Ready in

2h 50 min


1h 40 min


60 min


10 Person






Italian Easter Cake

Chocolate Rice Pie of Cilento

The chocolate rice pie or also known in Cilento as “A pizza re riso ca ciucculata”, a dessert loved by everyone, especially by chocolate lovers and children, and it is for them that this dessert was invented in Cilento, where a mother, to make her children happy, added a handful of cocoa to the classic rice pie. The chocolate rice cake, therefore, is very similar, both in composure and crispness but does not have the same charm as its older sister, which is considered more refined. The chocolate rice pie is also part of the traditional Easter desserts and is mainly consumed on Easter Monday. It is a suitable dessert, therefore, for outings, picnics, trips but also to be consumed at home with friends and a cup of tea, for breakfast or simply whenever you feel like it.


  • 500g/17,5oz flour 00
  • 200g/7oz butter
  • 200g/7oz sugar
  • 2 whole eggs
  • organic orange in zest
  • 1 liter milk
  • 7 whole eggs
  • 150g/5oz rice parboiled
  • 500g/17,5oz sugar
  • 600g/21oz fresh ricotta cheese
  • 100g/3,5oz lard
  • 100g/3,5oz candied citron
  • 50g/2oz unsweeted cocoa
  • 30g/1oz cinnamon in powder
  • 1 organic lemon zest
  • 30ml aniseed liqueur
  • j.e. flour for rolling out
  • 70 g vanilla icing sugar
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First we make the shortcrust pastry. On the pastry board, pour the flour and make the fountain*

fontana pasta frolla

buccia arancia pastafrolla

Put the sugar in the fountain, break the eggs and grate the orange peel over all the flour

Take the butter at room temperature and cut it into small pieces on top of all the flour

burro pasta frolla

impasto pastafrolla

Quickly mix all the ingredients, so that the dough does not overheat with the heat of your hands

Roll up the dough, then, mash it a little

panetto pastafrolla

pasta frolla frollatura

Wrap the dough in a cloth and put it to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, otherwise 12 hours

While the shortcrust pastry rests, pour the milk into a saucepan, when it boils, add the rice, lard*, lemon zest, half the sugar and half the cinnamon, cook for 40 minutes over moderate heat, stirring occasionally

cuocere torta riso

mescolare torta riso

When the rice is cooked, and all the milk has been absorbed, put it to cool for 30 minutes in a bowl and turn it often

In a large bowl or with the planetary mixer, whip the eggs with the remaining sugar, cinnamon and cocoa

uova cacao riso

ricotta pastiera riso

Now insert the ricotta, directly into the whipped eggs, the ideal would be to pass it through a sieve or with a potato masher

Add the rice and the cedar cut into small pieces. Turn the cream continuously with a ladle, otherwise it sticks

canditi pastiera riso

torta riso pastiera cacao

Incorporate all the ingredients (ideally with your hands), until you have obtained a homogeneous cream

Take the shortcrust pastry from the refrigerator, roll it out with a rolling pin until you reach a sheet with a maximum thickness of 1/2 (half) cm uniform and rounded

pasta frolla ricetta cilento

pasta frolla teglia

With the pastry, line a 26cm pan, make it adhere well and cut all the excess dough that comes out of the edge

Prick the bottom of the pan with the tines of the fork, pour the cream of rice and level it

crema riso cioccolato

strisce pasta torta di riso

Knead the shortcrust pastry, roll it out with a rolling pin and make another sheet 1/2 (half) cm thick, then, with the washer, cut the sheet into 1 cm wide strips

Take the shortcrust pastry strips and place them diagonally on the cake, from left to right and vice versa, in this way rhombuses will be formed which in jargon are called grid

torta riso cacao cilento

pastiera riso cilentana

Lower the edge of the shortcrust pastry, sprinkle with a pinch of granulated sugar all the grill and edges

Turn on the oven to 180°C (350°F), when ready, bake the cake and cook for 40 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160°C (320°F) and continue cooking for another 20 minutes

forno pastiera riso

pastiera riso cioccolato

Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool for 10 minutes in the pan, then, with a slightly larger and rounder tray, turn the cake upside down, as if it were an omelette, let it stand upside down for 10 minutes, then turn it over with another tray and do it cool down

Before serving, the rice cake should be sprinkled with vanilla icing sugar

pastiera di riso cacao cilento


  1. To have an excellent shortcrust pastry, knead it the day before.
  2. When you roll out the dough, always sprinkle it in flour every time, otherwise it sticks.
  3. For rice cakes and pastiere, always use a light aluminum pan, they cook better.
  4. Cooked rice must be cold before adding it to eggs.
  5. * The lard or lard is extracted from pork fat, if you want to make it at home, go and see the recipe on my website.
  6. * The fountain is the hole that is made in the flour so as not to let the liquid ingredients come out.
  7. * Silicone spatula leccapentola.


  1. The rice cake can be kept for three to four days, always covered by a bell, otherwise it dries in a cool place at room temperature but, if it’s hot, it should be put in the fridge.


  1. Casserole (Pot)
  2. Wooden ladle
  3. Kitchen washer
  4. Rolling pin
  5. Pastry board
  6. Grater
  7. Knife
  8. Leccapentola *
  9. Planetary or mixer
  10. Crush potatoes or sieve
  11. 26cm pan
  12. Tray
  13. Colander
  14. Oven
  15. Cooker
  16. Fridge
  17. Bowls

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