Torta Pasqualina a Easter Savory Pie

Ready in

1h 40 min


60 min


40 min


5 person






Savory Easter pie stuffed with artichokes, cheeses and eggs

Torta Pasqualina a easter savory pie of Cilento

The Torta Pasqualina (Easter Cake) with artichokes is a very tasty savory pie made with a base of Cilento brisè dough, that is, instead of butter, the dough is made with lard and water, this makes the dough soft and elastic, for the filling, besides with eggs and local cheese, the “Tondo di Paestum” IGP tender artichokes, where it is grown throughout the Cilento and above all in the Piana del Sele.
These genuine flavours, which smell of earth, sweat and sea, make the Torta Pasqualina of Nonna Claudia unique and unmistakable.

The Torta Pasqualina is a typical dish of Ligurian cuisine that is prepared during the Easter period, its origins date back to the Renaissance, it is said that Genoese women rolled 33 sheets that I superimposed on each other and then filled them with a cream of spinach and whole raw eggs, which once cooked became hard-boiled and left a real surprise effect, the number of sheets and the eggs symbolize the years and the resurrection of Christ. Over the years, the Pasqualina cake is prepared throughout Italy, even if there are many variations and the one with artichokes is one of many, the religious meaning does not change.


  • 400g/14oz flour 00
  • 100g/3,5oz suet or lard
  • 100ml water
  • 1 egg
  • pinch of salt
  • 1kg/35oz tender artichokes
  • 200g/7oz semi-mature goat cheese
    Or first salt
  • 50ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 leek
  • 1 small bunch of parsley
  • 1 lemon
  • J.e. salt and pepper
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In a small pan or in the microwave oven, melt the lard without frying it and let it cool

sciogliere la sugna
farina uovo strutto

In a large bowl or directly on the pastry board, put the flour, make a hole in the center (fountain) and pour in the lard, water, egg and salt

Starting from the centre, mix all the ingredients and then knead vigorously for 5 minutes or until the dough is compact and elastic. Wrap it in a cloth or film and let it rest in the fridge

impastare tutti gli ingredienti
pulire i carciofi

Clean the artichokes, remove all the hard outer leaves and the tips, cut them in half and remove any fluff, cut them into thin strips, wash them and immerse them in water with the lemon cut into several parts to prevent them from blackening

Wash and cut the leek in half, then slice it into thin strips and fry it in a large pan with oil, pepper and chopped parsley

pulire e tagliare il porro
carciofi e porro nella padella

Put the artichokes (without water) in the pan with the leek, sprinkle with salt and cook them over medium heat for 5 minutes, turning them often so they don’t stick. Turn off and let them cool down

Grease and flour a 22-24cm/9-10in pan, wash and dry the eggs and turn on the oven at 180°C/360°F

imburrare e infarinare la teglia
stendere sfoglia con matterello

Divide the dough into two parts, one larger than the other, with a rolling pin, roll out the larger piece and form a thin sheet

Cover the pan with the pastry, make it adhere well to the sides and prick the bottom with a fork, cut all the pastry that comes out of the edges of the pan

foderare la teglia con la sfoglia
strato formaggio e carciofi

Make a generous layer of cheese in the pan covering the pastry, then put all the artichokes spreading them on the cheese

With your hands or a spoon, in the ingredients just placed in the pan, make 5 lateral circle dimples and 1 central dimple

5 fossette ingredienti
uovo per ogni fossetta

Break 1 egg at a time (paying attention to the pieces of shell) and pour it into a dimple, do this operation until you have covered all the holes

Make another layer of cheese by putting everything left

ultimo strato di formaggio
sfoglia strato superiore

Generously grease the grill and the edges of the pan with the lard

With the prongs of the fork, prick the whole surface, then brush with lard or man’s yolk

spennellare con lo strutto la sfoglia.jpg
ungere la griglia e bordi

Place in the oven and cook for 40 minutes or until golden brown. Once cooked, remove it from the pan and let it cool on a wire rack


  1. To be good, artichokes must be tender and without fluff, therefore, when you buy them, make sure they are fresh and of a nice dark purple colour.
  2. The artichokes, once cleaned and cut, must always be placed in water acidulated with lemon otherwise they become dark.
  3. The dough must be soft and not sticky or vice versa, since flours are not all the same, adjust yourself when kneading, if it seems hard add a little more water or vice versa more flour.


  1. The Pasqualina cake can be kept for 2-3 days at room temperature, always covered with a cloth or the bell.


  1. Vegetable knife
  2. Chopping board
  3. Bowl
  4. Rolling pin
  5. Pastry board
  6. Oven
  7. Stove
  8. 22-24cm/9-10in tray
  9. Kitchen brush
  10. Pan
  11. Table Spoon
  12. Fork
  13. Small saucepan
  14. Tea towel
  15. Tray or platter

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