Rum baba cake – italian dessert

Ready in

8 hours


4 hours*


40 min


15 Pieces






Torta re babà

Rum baba cake

The rum baba cake is a specialty from Campania in Italy with the same characteristics as the traditional rum baba, in fact, they have the same dough, soft and elastic, which differ only in shape and size. This spectacular cake is suitable for all occasions: birthdays, name days, buffets, simple tea or dinner with friends. Being a sweet with a beautiful presence, when it is brought to the table the wahoo comes out spontaneously, it is similar in shape and elegance to the French savarin which however stands out, both for taste, also because the ingredients are almost different.
That for the wet, in fact, this rum baba cake requires a lot of liquid to be soaked, so you need to make a generous syrup with lemon peels and sugar, then, once cold, add a sweet rum. The rum baba cake, even if it has a sumptuous appearance, is a very cheap dessert, just a few ingredients are enough to obtain a quantity sufficient for fifteen people.
The secret to making an excellent rum babà is in the dough which must be elastic otherwise when you squeeze the liquid from the wetting it crumbles but, don’t worry, follow all the steps of my recipe carefully and you will make a super great rum baba cake, just however, it takes a long time but, all Neapolitan rum babas including this cake can be prepared many days before and then get wet and stuffed with diplomatic cream at least 12 hours before being served.


  • 500g flour 00
  • 150g buttee
  • 50g sugar
  • 6 whole eggs
  • 10g salt
  • 25g brewer’s yeast
  • 4 liter water
  • 500g sugar
  • organic lemon
  • 750 ml liqueur for dessert or rum
Diplamat cream
  • 500 ml sweet heavy whipping cream
  • 500 ml milk
  • 100g flour 00
  • 100g sugar
  • 3 whole eggs
  • organic lemon peel
  • 100 ml liqueur for dessert or rum
  • 20g cornstarch
  • 20g apricot jam
  • 40g sugar
  • 8 lemon drops
  • 250 ml water
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Nella ciotola della planetaria, mettete la farina, il lievito di birra sbriciolato, il sale e lo zucchero. Agganciate la frusta a foglie e fate mescolare a media velocità per 3 minuti

Still with the planetary mixer running at medium speed, add the eggs, one at a time, waiting for the flour to absorb the previous one to add the other

While the planetary mixer continues to knead, cut the butter at room temperature into small pieces and add it to the dough a little at a time, exactly as you did with the eggs

Work at medium speed for 2 minutes, then gradually bring it to maximum and let it work for 1 minute, then gradually go down to zero, let it stay off for 1 minute

After one minute, turn on the planetary mixer again and always a little at a time bring it to the maximum, let it work for 2 minutes at the most then lower the speed to zero, let it rest for 1 minute

Turn the planetary mixer back on and do the same operation described in the previous step, that is, bring from zero to maximum, let it work for 2 minutes and go down to zero. At this point the dough must be elastic

Remove the bowl from the planetary mixer and put it to rise in the oven for 2 hours or until the whole bowl is filled

Grease a 30 cm baba pan and all the the mignon baba molds, flour and remove the excess flour

Take the bowl from the oven, disassemble the dough, that is, with your hands or a silicone spatula, you detach it from the edges of the bowl, so it becomes once again as it was before rising

Pour the mixture into the buttered babà mignon molds with the help of a tea spoon, filling them up to one half

Place the filled molds in a pan then, afterwards put them to rise in the oven that is off until the baba dome is formed

Pour the remaining dough into the greased pan, level it and leave to rise in a warm place free from drafts of wind for about 2 hours or until it has reached the edge of the pan

Remove the pan with the molds from the oven, turn on the oven at 180°C (350°F) in static mode, when it has reached temperature, about 5 minutes, put them in the oven and cook for about 30 minutes or until they are golden brown. Remove from the oven and put them to cool covered with a tablecloth

When the leavening is over Bake the cake at 180°C (350°F) in static mode in a preheated oven, for about 40 minutes or until it is golden on all sides. Remove from the oven and put it to cool covered with a tablecloth or tea towel

While the baba cools we prepare the syrup. Pour 4 liters of water into a large pot, add the peels of the 4 lemons, the sugar and boil for 30 minutes over high heat, or until it has reduced to two thirds, turn off, let it cool, then add half. some rum

latte e buccia di limone

Now prepare the custard, in a saucepan boil the milk with the lemon peel

Nella planetaria o con lo sbattitore elettrico montate le uova con lo zucchero, aggiungete la farina e amalgamate

montare zucchero e uova

setacciare latte e bucce limone

Hang the milk and remove the skins and pour it into the mixer, mix all the mixture well

Pour the mixture into another larger pot and let it thicken on a moderate heat stove, always turning otherwise it sticks

cuocere la crema pasticcera

crema pasticcera cotta

Let it cool itself in the pot or in a large bowl, the important thing is that you turn it from time to time so that the patina on top does not form

In a large bowl pour a third of the syrup prepared previously, now put the babà mignon in it and from time to time press with your hands, so that they soak well

As soon as the mignon are well soaked, squeeze them one by one and place them in a tray with high sides

In una ciotola molto capiente, mettete il babà capovolto, poi, con un mestolo versate lo sciroppo su tutto il dolce e di tanto in tanto premete con le mani su tutta la circonferenza e il centro del babà in questo modo si inzuppa meglio

Now with a tray with high edges of the same circumference as the bowl, turn the baba and pour the syrup over all the cake, let it soak for about an hour then squeeze the cake again

Take another tray with the same high edges, place it on top of the baba, take it in your hands, place it vertically and press hard, in this way excess liquids are eliminated

Now remove the tray that is on top and press the cake with your hand around the entire circumference, eliminating the excess syrup, then put it to rest in the fridge, in this way it swells from squeezing

Now sprinkle the baba mignon cake with the remaining rum and put them in the fridge to rest

Meanwhile the babas rest in the fridge, prepare the gelatin for polishing. Take a saucepan, pour the cornstarch, sugar and mix the powders well

Add the water a little at a time and always turn it so as not to form lumps

At this point, always stirring, add a few drops of lemon

After having incorporated the lemon well, add the apricot jam

Always stirring, cook the mixture over medium heat for a few minutes, when it begins to thicken, turn off and let it cool for 10 minutes

Now with the use of a pastry brush, brush the jelly all over the baba cake

Put the custard in the bowl of the planetary mixer, pour the rum, turn the planetary mixer on medium fast and blend for 5 minutes with the whisk, turn off, remove the cream and wash both the bowl and the whisk well, otherwise the whip cream will not whip

Whip the whip cream well making it compact

Now pour the custard into the whipped cream and mix in a compact and uniform way, making it a single compound

Put the cream in a pastry bag with a medium star tip, fill the hole in the center of the cake with a little cream and the Babà mignon, then, as you wish, decorate the cake with diplomatic cream.

Now the baba cake is ready!


  1. Gently squeeze the whole cake with your hands, pressing from top to bottom, then wet again, especially in those places where it was hard.
  2. Babas grow a lot after wetting, therefore, adjust well with the tray, it must be at least 10 cm wider in circumference.
  3. The ovens are not all the same, if the upper part cooks quickly, cover with aluminum foil to ensure that it cooks inside.
  4. The remaining diplomatic cream is used in the decoration of the single slices.


  1. The baba cake, after cooked and without being wet, can be stored at room temperature, wrapped in cling film for 10 days.
  2. The wet and stuffed cake can be kept in the fridge for 2 days.


  1. Planetary mixer
  2. Whisk for whipping
  3. Leaf or hook whisk
  4. Oven
  5. Mold baba pan 30cm
  6. Knife
  7. 3 pots
  8. Small saucepan
  9. Top dispenser (bottle with spout)
  10. 2 trays with 40 cm high sides
  11. Sac a poche (pastry bag)
  12. Silicone spatula
  13. 2 tb spoon
  14. Ladle for broth
  15. 50 cm bowl
  16. 2 bowls of 20 cm
  17. Round tray of 30 cm
  18. Tablecloth
  19. Cooker

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