Tagliatelle pasta and chickpeas – cilento lagane

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3h 30 min


60 min



2h 30 min



5 Person






cilento lagane homemade pasta

Tagliatelle pasta and chickpeas rosè

The tagliatelle pasta and chickpeas rosé, called in the Cilento vernacular “lagane and ciceri c’a salza”, differs from the others for the addition of the tomato, which gives the dish color and flavor, in fact, it is much tastier than the white one and in ancient times it was done when there was a guest.

The recipe takes its name from the “lagana”, a type of pasta that is made by hand, simply by mixing water and flour, it is rolled out with a rolling pin like a sheet then, rolled on itself, it is cut into strips. Therefore, lagane are particular homemade pasta similar to tagliatelle but without eggs and are used exclusively for this dish, because when cooked, they release gluten which, when combined with chickpea jelly, becomes a tasty cream.

Tagliatelle pasta and chickpeas (Lagane e ceci), is one of the many poor dishes of Cilento so defined, because once they were consumed by simple people, in fact, legumes, especially chickpeas and beans, were the daily meal of peasants and shepherds and were almost despised by local lords. In fact, the American biologist, Ancel Keys, carefully studying these dishes, the healthy standard of living and the longevity of these people, deduced that these foods were poor, yes, but, in fat and cholesterol and rich in antioxidants, fiber, potassium. and many other beneficial substances, were and still are a cure-all for people’s hearts and health.

Of these dishes he made a lifestyle known all over the world as the Mediterranean Diet. The tagliatelle pasta and chickpeas rosé, therefore, is an excellent healthy, cheap dish, suitable for all diets, such as vegetarians, vegans and even for those with celiac disease, just make the lagane with a gluten-free flour.


  • 500g re-milled semolina flour (durum wheat flour)
  • 200 ml room temperature water
  • 300 g dried chickpeas
  • 500g tomato puree
  • 60 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cloves of garlic
  • 1 chilli
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • j.e. salt


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Wash the chickpeas, cover them with water and let them soak all night with baking soda

The next morning, remove the water with the baking soda, fill the pot with water again and cook the chickpeas on a moderate stove.

When they come to a boil, remove the foam with the skimmer, put the lid on, lower the heat and cook for 2 hours

fontana farina semola

In the meantime that the chickpeas are cooking, prepare the lagane. Put the flour in a large bowl or directly on the pastry board, make the fountain*

Pour in the water gradually and mix at the same time

Once you have finished kneading, roll up the dough and let it rest in the fridge wrapped in a cloth or film for at least 30 minutes

Flour the pastry board and start rolling out the dough with a rolling pin

stendere pasta mattarello

Flour the dough and the pastry board again, roll out and wrap the dough near the rolling pin and always continue like this until you have reached a thickness of 30 mm

Flour the dough, wrap it on itself from the longest side and cut it into 1 cm slices

Flour the washers, unroll them and flour them again, put them on a floured tray or on the pastry board itself, as long as they are wide so that they do not stick together and cover them with a cloth

Boil the water to cook the lagane. In a pan, fry the garlic with the oil and the chilli

Remove the garlic and chilli and add the tomato to the oil, add salt and cook for 10 minutes

Blend half of the chickpeas with a little cooking water to form a cream

Pour the cream into the tomato sauce, add the others and cook for 10 minutes

Drop the lagane in boiling water, add salt and cook 1 minute from when they come out to boil

At the end of cooking with the use of a spider or a colander with the handle, drain the lagane and put them in the chickpeas

Cook for 1 minute, then, adjust with the broth, that is, the lagane and chickpeas must be soft and creamy, however, if you like them more soupy you can add a little cooking water or vice versa. Serve and serve


  1. You can cook the chickpeas even 1 kg at a time, then divide them according to your needs and keep them in the freezer. This saves time and money.
  2. When you soak the chickpeas, the surface of the water must exceed them by at least 3 fingers, because the hickpeas increase in volume and if they grow without water they harden.
  3. The chickpeas, during cooking must always be covered by water, if it were to dry, never add cold tap water but, boil it and then put it boiling in the chickpeas, otherwise they harden.
  4. Chickpeas, like all legumes, must be added after cooking.
  5. Flours are not all the same, therefore, when you knead the lagane, put the water a little at a time and adjust to the consistency of the dough which must not be soft nor hard.
  6. *THE fountain is the hole that is made in the flour to keep the liquids out.
  7. *Spider and skimmer are ladles with holes in them.


  1. The raw lagane can be kept in the freezer for up to a month, but having the foresight to freeze them first on a tray so that they do not overlap, then they can be placed in the freezer containers.
  2. Lagane and chickpeas can be kept in the fridge for one day.


  1. Skimmer
  2. Spider
  3. Cookware
  4. Cover
  5. Cooker
  6. Pastry board
  7. Rolling pin
  8. Carving knife
  9. Immersion mixer
  10. Towel or tablecloth
  11. Ladle for brot


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